Meierhenry Gynecology and Women’s Healthcare
Owned by Mary Meierhenry, MD
2333 W 57th St, Suite 101
Sioux Falls, SD 57108

KJ Relaxin & Dakota Plastic Surgery
Contact Kaila Meier 507-215-3234
2333 W 57th St., Suite 102
Sioux Falls, SD 57108

Prairie Roots Chiropractic & Functional Medicine
Owned by Cheryl Bones, DC
2333 W. 57th St., Suite 103
Sioux Falls, SD 57108
Thermography is used to detect infrared markers that may suggest some of the earliest signs of breast cancer. Thermography uses infrared cameras and computer systems to image heat patterns from the surface of breasts.
Picture My Health offers Thermography quarterly in January, April, July and October. Please call Jan Weinhold at 612-203-5772 to book your appointment
Sharps Disposal Program
Pharmacy Specialties & Clinic, Inc. participates in the Sioux Falls Sharps Disposal Program. The program is available for any resident in our area who uses needles, syringes, lancets, or other sharps items in their home. The Sharps Disposal Program is in affiliation with Sioux Falls Public Works and Sioux Falls Environmental Department. Ask one of our professional staff members for more information.